School Garden in San Diego |
“No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden.”
– Thomas Jefferson
Things to plant in February
Lettuce, kale, collards, spinach, chard, purple beans, carrots, parsnip, radish, beets, strawberries and deciduous fruit trees. You can also start warm-season vegetables from seed in a greenhouse or cold frame for transplanting in March or April.
February To-Do List
Harvest cool-season crops such as peas, lettuces and other greens to encourage production.
Pull weeds while the ground is soft.
Plant cover crops in unused garden beds.
Continue to prune your deciduous fruit trees as needed.
Spray leafless fruit trees with a dormant spray.
Feed your citrus trees if not done already.
Gather compost and start planning your warm-season garden.
Monarch Butterfly |
Native Plants and Habitat
Plant milkweed to provide habit for monarch butterflies.
If planting bareroot varieties, dig a hole deeper than the roots and at least half a foot wider. Spread the roots apart as you fill the hole with good soil. Water well to get rid of air pockets.
Have fun!