After getting thrown hither and thither on roiling rapids
and drifting out to sea, you might expect to wash up on a tropical island with
sandy beaches and a lone palm tree. More likely, however, you'd wind your way
around the mighty Pacific Ocean for days, weeks, and months to end up in a giant,
twisting, floating… garbage dump!
That’s right. Those vast, wild bodies of water we call
oceans are filling up with plastic garbage.
Our garbage—old shopping bags,
flip-flop sandals, water bottles, coat hangers, cigarette lighters, fishing
nets… and on and on. In fact, the National Academy of Sciences estimates that
6.4 million tons of litter enter the world’s oceans every year, and many
researchers believe this estimate is far too small.
So what’s causing this trash to accumulate in floating
garbage dumps? There are three main parts to the equation. First, in our quest
for a light, durable, malleable material to make things out of, we invented plastic.
And we use it a lot—so much that in the past several decades plastic pollution has
transformed the face of our planet—reaching every ocean and the most remote
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Courtesy of Algalita Marine Research Institute |
The second part of the equation—many of us discarding our trash—isn't
actually new. Our ancestors dumped trash for ages before us. Long ago, however,
everything people used came straight from the natural world. So their trash was
biodegradable, which means that microorganisms decomposed it relatively
quickly. Plastic is very different. It isn't biodegradable. Instead, it is photodegradable,
which means that sunlight breaks plastic into smaller and smaller pieces.
Eventually a piece may be broken into individual molecules—but even then it
doesn't go away. Living things can't digest plastic. Plastic is forever!
The third part of the equation is as natural as sunshine,
seaweed, and sandy beaches. Ocean
currents—and in this case, circular ones, called gyres. In fact, there are nine
continent-sized gyres in the world’s oceans. They rotate clockwise in the
Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise south of the equator. All nine of
these gyres are accumulating plastic waste.
So after you (an action figure in a soda bottle) drift out
to sea, you would likely reach one of the largest gyres on Earth—the North
Pacific Gyre. Its circular currents would draw you toward its center, where you
would bob about mingling with other discarded junk (sorry to call you junk).
And there you would stay for a long, long, long time.
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Courtesy of Algalita Marine Research Institute |
Where does all this garbage come from? It might start as litter thrown from a school
bus window. It might blow from a landfill on a windy afternoon. It may be
dumped from a fishing vessel in the Sea of Okhotsk or spill from a cargo ship
in the Gulf of Alaska. Even if you live
in the mountains of Colorado, plastic that you don't dispose of properly could
eventually make its way down storm drains, streams, and rivers to end up in the
ocean. After every heavy rain in
Southern California, many tons of plastic trash flow from rivers into the
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Stomach contents of a dead Albatross on Midway Atoll Courtesy of Algalita Marine Research Institute |
And there is an even more sinister side to this plastic garbage
than just making our oceans and beaches ugly. As you drift about the North
Pacific Gyre you would witness sick sea animals—and many dead ones—because of
all this trash.
According to the Marine Mammal Commission, garbage in the
world’s oceans affects at least 267 species, including 86 percent of sea
turtles, 44 percent of seabirds, and 43 percent of marine mammals. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) estimates that well over 100,000 marine mammals die each
year because they get tangled in discarded plastic fishing nets. And some sea
animals inadvertently eat plastic, thinking it's food. Charles Moore says that
the stomach contents of dead albatross often “look like the cigarette lighter
shelf at a convenience store.” To make matters even worse, toxic chemicals
often coat plastic trash in the ocean, causing deadly poisoning and disease in
sea life.
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Stomach contents of a dead Albatross on Midway Atoll Courtesy of Algalita Marine Research Institute |
As a plastic action figure, you would survive in the North
Pacific Gyre a long time. Parts of
you, your feet or ears perhaps, might photodegrade, but overall you'd observe
the ugly gyre for a good, long while. Perhaps you'd even beat the odds and
eventually wash up on a distant beach. After decades of floating around the sea
on pieces of long-forgotten junk, you'd likely have many thoughts about plastic
trash and the environmental problems it causes. You'd likely have some ideas
about how we could all help to make our oceans a little bit cleaner. What would your solutions be? What would you
tell people to do differently? Please
share your thoughts with us below.
To read several scholarly articles on the effects of plastic
on health and the environment, see this theme issue of the Philosophical Transactions
of the Royal Society: Plastics, the Environment and Human Health
A Few Simple Things Can You Do:
- Try to buy products that don't use plastic packaging.
- Maintain and fix the products you own rather than throwing them away to buy new ones.
- Recycle the plastic products you consume.
- Buy recycled products.
- Dispose of trash properly.
- Tell your friends, family, and community leaders about the problems associated with plastic pollution.